print "please input code(9631):" code = STDIN.gets.chomp if code == "" then code = "9631" end
print "please input code(9631):" code = STDIN.gets.chomp if code == "" then code = "9631" end
File.open("foo.txt","w"){|file| file.puts("lien1") file.puts("line2") }
flags = File::CREAT | File::TRUNC | File::WRONLY mode = 0600 File.open("foo.txt", flags, mode){|file| file.write("data0") file.write("data1") }
File.open("foo.txt","a"){|file| file.puts "2 line" }
フラグ | 意味 |
"r" | 読みこみ専用でファイルを開く |
"w" | 書き込み専用でファイルを開き、ファイルサイズを0にする |
"w+" | 読み書き両用にファイルを開き、ファイルサイズを0にする |
"a" | 追加書き込み用にファイルを開く |
"a+" | 追加書き込みと読みこみの両用にファイルを開く |
"b" | バイナリモードにする |
data = File.read("foo.txt") puts data
data = File.read("foo.txt",5,6) puts data
data = File.open("foo.txt"){|file| file.binmode file.read } puts data
data1 = data2 = data3 = nil File.open("foo.txt"){|file| file.binmode data1 = file.read(6) data2 = file.read(6) data3 = file.read(6) } puts data1 puts data2 puts data3
File.open("foo.txt"){|file| while line = file.gets p line end }
def dump_lines(enumerable) enumerable.each{|line| puts line.chomp.dump } end File.open("foo.txt"){|io| dump_lines(io) }●例えば上記で定義したdef_linesは、配列や文字列を処理するに流用することができます。
ary = [ "element 1 of array", "element 2 of array", ] str = <<_end_of_text_ line 1 of string line 2 of string _end_of_text_ dump_lines(ary) dump_lines(str)
File.readlines("foo.txt").each{|line| line.chomp! puts line }
require "date" require "date/holiday" p Date.new(2012,1,9).national_holiday? #=> true
require "date" require "date/holiday" today = Date.today d = Date.nth_kday(today.year, today.month , 3, 1 ) puts d.to_s #=> 2012.1.16
require 'rubygems' require 'nokogiri' doc = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(<<-eohtml) <title>Hello World</title> <h1> This is an awesome document</h1> I am a paragraph <a href="http://google.ca/">I am a link</a> eohtml #### # Search for nodes by css doc.css('p > a').each do |a_tag| puts a_tag.content end #### # Search for nodes by xpath doc.xpath('//p/a').each do |a_tag| puts a_tag.content end #### # Or mix and match. doc.search('//p/a', 'p > a').each do |a_tag| puts a_tag.content end ### # Find attributes and their values # doc.search('a').first['href']
require 'rubygems' require 'open-uri' require 'nokogiri' # Perform a google search doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open('http://google.com/search?q=tenderlove')) puts doc # Print out each link using a CSS selector # doc.css('h3.r > a.l').each do |link| doc.css('h3').each do |link| puts link.content end
require "open-uri" open("http://www.example.com/"){|f| print f.read }
require "net/http" require "uri" url = URI.parse("http://www.ruby-lang.org/ja/") p url.scheme p url.host p url.port p url.path p url.to_s http = Net::HTTP.start(url.host, url.port) doc = http.get(url.path) puts doc
●nokogiriを使ってHTMLを解析するには例えば以下のようにします。 require 'rubygems' require 'open-uri' require 'nokogiri' doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open('http://www.google.co.jp/search?q=cofe_arabi')) #doc.xpath('//h3/a[@class="l"]').each do |link| doc.xpath('//h3/a').each do |link| puts link.content end
require 'rubygems' require 'open-uri' require 'nokogiri' doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open("http://www.ruby-lang.org/ja/"),nil,"utf-8") doc.css("h3").each do |h3| puts h3.text end